12:40 PM Maryland; 141024 Miles.
I was driving on I-68, which is a very scenic road through some low rolling hills. Occasionally, there are great views of the road curving around the hills. I took a few pictures of the road there (while driving). I have seen several interesting landscapes and hilarious signs on the roads of the lower 48 states. One sign, seen in Oklahoma, was particularly hilarious (see the entry for the last day in Oklahoma -- April 15). I drove by that sign too quickly to take a picture. Missing several other signs like that one prompted me to just put my camera within easy reach while driving. By this month (June), I was starting to put the camera in the glove compartment of the car -- just for moments like these.
At 1:30, my "two hours of continuous driving" were over. This meant a rest break for the car and a delay for me. I was nearing the town of Cumberland, and I stopped there in front of a "Wendys" restaurant. I did not eat there -- just sat in the car for a half hour looking at all the townspeople going about their business. Cumberland is a nice small town -- the kind of town where everyone knows everyone else. As I was sitting and watching, I saw several people
meeting each other on the street and stopping to chat, or going inside the restaurant -- not to eat, but to talk! I had been to a lot of these kind of towns in my travels, but I never really realized it until now. Little did I know that I (and Sachin) would be seeing a lot more of these kinds of places within the next month.
I left Cumberland at 2:00 PM, then arrived in Hagerstown an hour later. Hagerstown is another one of those "small towns where everybody knows everybody else". Had lunch at a McDonalds there, then continued driving East towards Baltimore on I-70.
I-70 comes to an end at Baltimore. At 4:30, I came to the end of I-70 in Baltimore, making this another one of those freeways of which I have been to both ends. (This one goes from I-15 in Utah to I-695 in Baltimore, MD). This was Thursday (a weekday) at 4:30 PM (rush hour).
Cumberland and Hagerstown are both small towns. Baltimore is anything but a small town! Being stuck in rush hour traffic was a rude awakening. It reminded me of two months ago, when I was home. Then it hit me -- TWO MONTHS! This was longer than my first trip! This was the longest time I had been away from home. My birthday was coming up, and this would also be my first birthday away from home. Driving through Baltimore during rush hour was the first time on this trip that I got homesick, because everything that I was going through (or rather, NOT going through), reminded me of Los Angeles.
It took me almost an hour to get out of the Baltimore metropolitan area -- another indication of the size of this city.
5:50 PM Delaware; 141255 Miles.
By the time I got up to Wilmington, I realized it was too late to go to Philadelphia. Instead, I decided to go to Atlantic City that night, then go to Philadelphia the next morning. It had been a long day and the sun was already starting to go down, but my day was far from over!
6:10 PM Entered New Jersey; 141270 Miles. Immediately got lost. This time (unlike all the other times I got lost), it wasn't really my fault. Driving in New Jersey reminded me of my first trip's driving adventures in Dallas, TX. In Dallas, there were some roads where the direction of traffic in each lane depended on the time of the day, with each adjacent lane always having opposing traffic. This did not make any sense to me whatsoever, and I got lost several times in all the driving confusion. New Jersey was slightly different, but just as bad. The first time I realized the small details of driving in New Jersey, I wondered how many more places in this country would be so bizarre when it came to driving there! As it turned out, the city of Dallas, Texas and the state of New Jersey were the only two places in this country that had these ridiculously idiotic driving laws! This was New Jersey:
If I wanted to make a left turn (or a U-turn), I had to turn RIGHT!
Now maybe it is just me, but that does not make any sense. At first, I thought this was the case EVERYWHERE. So I would get in the right lane to make a left turn. Unfortunately, that did not always work either. At some places, THE LEFT LANE IS ACTUALLY USED TO MAKE LEFT TURNS! At other places, you have to turn right to make a left turn. This was what got me confused. Sometimes it would be normal; other times it would be idiotic! If it was idiotic all the time, at least I would always know where to go!
Anyway, I was lost for quite a long time, then finally drove down to the Atlantic City area and checked in at a Super 8 Motel in Absecon, NJ (after getting lost again there). This was at 8:00 PM.
9:30 PM Left the motel for Atlantic City.
9:50 PM Parked at Trump Taj Mahal Casino parking lot.
I had always assumed that Atlantic City would be the same as Las Vegas. That is not the case. In Las Vegas, the casinos do not charge for parking. The Trump Taj Mahal Casino in Atlantic City charged me five bucks to park there. Las Vegas has beautiful night lights. It looks just as bright at night as it does in the daytime. The casinos in Atlantic City, although they have lights, are nothing compared to the ones in Vegas. Vegas has a lot more of them a lot closer together, which makes the light show spectacular. The Atlantic City "Boardwalk" was quite disappointing by comparison.
I went inside and withdrew $80 from one of the many ATM machines that they have. Then I went to the slot machines. That was a mistake. I lost $21 there. All down the drain. Since the slots were simply not working out to my advantage, I sat at a Blackjack table. I had been to Las Vegas twice after my 21st birthday, and both times, I had done far better playing Blackjack than pushing coins down a slot machine. I hoped my luck would be the same as in Las Vegas and I would get back the $21 that I had already lost within the first ten minutes.
My luck was not just good -- it was excellent. Before I even knew what was going on, I had several tall stacks of chips on the table in front of me. At about midnight, I thought "enough is enough" and went to their window to cash in my winnings. It was then that I found out I had won about one hundred and ten dollars in Blackjack -- more than five times what I had lost in the slot machines! I also found out something else...
I was playing Blackjack for almost two hours, and I did not even realize the passing of time. What if I had gotten greedy and kept on playing?
After leaving the casino, I walked along the Boardwalk in search of the night lights. I walked for about an hour, but I never saw them. I came back to the car and started driving back to Absecon at 1:15 AM. I had a hundred dollar bill in my wallet, and another eighty dollars in small bills. The small bills would disappear soon, but the hundred dollar note would stay in my wallet for weeks to come.
There is a Dennys restaurant across the street from the Super 8 Motel in Absecon. I wanted to eat there (the casino did not have any cheap restaurants, and Dennys was the only place that was open at this time of night). As I was coming from Atlantic City to Absecon, the Super 8 Motel was on the right side of the road. The Dennys restaurant was on the left side of the road. To get to the Dennys (then back to the Super 8 Motel), I had to do the following:
I passed the Super 8 Motel, driving in the right lane. Just before the next traffic signal, I turned right onto a small road. That road turned left, then ended at the major cross-street. I turned left on the cross-street (from the left lane). Then I got in the left lane and turned left again on the road I was on before (this was the road from Atlantic City). Then I turned right at the Dennys. After eating dinner, I turned right on that road, then right again just before the next traffic signal, then left on that cross-street, then left again on the road I was on before, then right into the Super 8 motel.
At 2:14 AM, I was utterly frustrated driving in the state of New Jersey.
At 2:15 AM, I came back to my motel room.
Lake: | Cheat Lake, WV |
Road: | Pigs Ear Road, MD |
Town: | Flintstone, MD |
Town: | Northeast, MD |
IOWA-75 | CT | Honda Civic |
SSBABY | WV | Chrysler LeBaron |
TREE 87 | MD | Chevrolet truck |
PUPEEDG | MD | Buick |
SHY | MD | Mazda Protegé |
STACIES | MD | Buick |
SMAZER | MD | Toyota Supra |
$54.41 | Chase | Holiday Inn | Morgantown, WV |
$2 | Cash | Lunch -- McDonalds | Hargerstown, MD |
$2 | Cash | Toll -- I-95 in Maryland | Craigtown, MD |
$1 | Cash | Toll -- I-95 in Delaware | Newark, DE |
$11 | Cash | Gas | Woodstown, NJ |
$80 | CB | Cash Withdrawal -- Trump Taj Mahal | Atlantic City, NJ |
$21 | Cash | Lost in slot machines -- Trump Taj Mahal | Atlantic City, NJ |
-$110 | Cash | Won in Blackjack -- Trump Taj Mahal | Atlantic City, NJ |
$7 | Cash | Dinner -- Dennys | Absecon, NJ |
Mr. Patel: India?
Mr. Gokhale: Nagpur.
Mr. Patel: You drove here all the way from Los Angeles? How long did it take?
Mr. Gokhale: ...
Mr. Patel: ...
Mr. Gokhale: ...
[it was one of THOSE conversations again. We talked mainly about my trip, but also about other things. He told me his family was originally from Rajkot, but he himself was born and raised in Bombay. I told him that my family was from all over the place! The difference between this conversation and the others in the past was that this one was in Marathi! (after I told him I was from Nagpur)]
I had entered the office at 11:00 AM, and finally checked out at 11:40 AM. Drank a cup of home-made tea before leaving. The tea was free, but he did charge me for the room.
The previous night, I had bought a New Jersey postcard that said "Atlantic City" in the front. I wrote it last night after getting back to the motel and wanted to mail it from Atlantic City this morning. That meant going to Atlantic City again. That meant turning right to turn left!
12:00 PM Mailed postcard from Atlantic City.
My plan (today -- as revised from yesterday) was to go to Philadelphia, see the Independence Hall and Liberty Bell Pavilion, then drive to Ananda Uncle's house in Succasunna.
Things never go as planned -- I have learned that now!
I started driving Northwest on Atlantic City Expressway, which connects Atlantic City and Philadelphia. At 12:30 PM, I stopped at a roadside rest area.
Since Atlantic City Expressway is a toll road, the rest area on that road is more of an "all-purpose-driving-stop" than a rest area. It has an expensive gas station, a Burger King restaurant, and several small shops. It was like a mini-mall. I donated five dollars to the Burger King Corporation, and received a free lunch in return.
1:00 PM Left roadside "Service Area".
1:15 PM Entered Camden, NJ. Got Lost.
1:50 PM Found my way and left Camden, NJ.
1:55 PM Pennsylvania; 141435 Miles. Also entered Philadelphia city limits. Got lost again (took the wrong exit from the freeway, and ended up on a one-way road going in the wrong direction).
2:40 PM Gave up trying to find the Independence Hall and left Philadelphia.
3:10 PM Back to New Jersey; 141485 Miles.
I had called Ananda Uncle last night for directions to his house. Both he and Sachin gave me the directions over the phone, and I jotted them down. Then I copied them neatly in my notebook.
This afternoon, as I was trying to find thier house, I got lost.
This was by no fault of either Ananda Uncle or Sachin. I got lost because of the state of New Jersey.
5:20 PM Found my way and arrived at Succasunna, NJ.
Later that night, Sachin and I went to see a movie -- "Crimson Tide".
I had still not seen the Independence Hall or Liberty Bell Pavilion in Philadelphia. I blame getting lost on the state of New Jersey. Maybe, just maybe, I possibly might have had something to do with getting lost too -- maybe... possibly.
License Plates:
FELBACK | NJ | Cadillac |
MICRON | NJ | Dodge Ram |
MY GRL2 | PA | GMC van |
$33.39 | Chase | Super 8 Motel | Absecon, NJ |
$1 | Cash | Toll -- Atlantic City Expressway | New Jersey |
$5 | Cash | Lunch -- Burger King -- Atlantic City Expressway Service Area | New Jersey |
$1 | Cash | Two souvenir crushed pennies -- Atlantic City Expressway Service Area | New Jersey |
$10 | Cash | Movie | Succasunna, NJ |
Go to start of this date
Go to start of this section
I accomplished three things today. In each case, it was something important that I wanted to do.
That last point requires some explanation.
Two months before I left home, Niranjan had driven from Los Angeles to Boston. He had done it alone. He knew what I was going to do, and he invited me to stay at his apartment in Boston when I came there. I had his telephone number, and I had been trying to contact him ever since I had left Washington, DC. Each time I called, I got the answering machine. NOT TODAY.
9:00 AM I left Succasunna and went to Godbole Uncle's house in Parsippany. Had lunch there and told them about my trip. They told me about their trip to Los Angeles and then to Bryce Canyon, Zion Canyon and Grand Canyon National Parks with Niranjan's parents and my parents. I called Niranjan again from their house, and he was actually at home! I told him about my plan, and also told him it was changing on a daily basis! "But if everything goes according to schedule, I should be arriving at your house tomorrow evening". Later, I taught the Godboles how to play Blackjack. I left their house at 1:15 PM, bound for Philadelphia -- one more time!
3:30 PM Pennsylvania and Philadelphia on Ben Franklin Bridge; 141684 Miles.
Took the wrong exit, and got lost on the 1-way roads. But not for long!
3:40 PM Parked at garage near Independence Hall.
4:00 PM - 4:45 PM Independence Hall Tour. . Saw the first United States Supreme Court "meeting room". That's about it.
4:55 PM - 5:00 PM Independence National Memorial Visitor Center (rushed there from the Independence Hall just before closing time).
5:00 PM - 5:10 PM Liberty Bell Pavilion.
. It's just like any other bell that has a large crack in it.
Wrote and mailed "Philadelphia" postcard to Parixit, then roamed around the mall until 6:00 PM.
6:00 PM Left parking lot. Did not get lost in Philadelphia!
6:10 PM New Jersey on Ben Franklin Bridge; 141687 Miles. No toll Eastbound. Did not get lost in Camden!
8:20 PM Back to Succasunna, NJ. Did not get lost in Succasunna!
Park: | Hackleberry Park, NJ |
MSSI 2 | NJ | Mazda 626 |
BRAKES1 | NJ | Nissan Maxima |
20 20 | NY | Nissan Maxima |
$12 | Cash | Gas -- New Jersey Turnpike Service Area | New Jersey |
$2 | Cash | Toll -- New Jersey Turnpike | New Jersey |
$7 | Cash | Parking | Philadelphia, PA |
$2 | Cash | Toll -- New Jersey Turnpike | New Jersey |
This morning, Sachin and I saw on the news that there had been a severe accident in New York City. Two subway trains had collided with each other. This had caused a traffic jam for all Eastbound road traffic on I-95 (George Washington Bridge). Our plan (originally -- now changed!) was to drive on I-95, through New York City. The train wreck and the subsequent traffic jam made us change our plans. Sachin was dissapointed, but it was nothing new for me.
We left Succasunna at 8:50 AM.
10:00 AM Entered New York (state) on I-87 (Tappan Zee Bridge); 141836 Miles.
We circled New York City without actually entering the city limits. The traffic, although heavy at times, was still bearable (I never had to come to a full stop).
10:30 AM Connecticut; 141861 Miles.
We were driving on Highway 15, which is supposed to be a scenic road, according to the AAA map. All we saw were trees.
11:55 AM Arrived at the town of Branford.
Branford was my first "typical New England small town". Sure, I had been to small towns elsewhere, but none of them were in New England. New England small towns have a special charm. The first time I noticed this was in Branford. Even Sachin enjoyed it! We did not know about Branford at first. We exited from the freeway because it was time to take a break. As soon as we exited, we were in "downtown" Branford. The town is centered around a church with a tall steeple. The church overlooks a small park. The park had several colorful flowers. Around the park, there are several small shops. This was a "typical New England small town".
I got my postcard at one of those shops. After I came out of the shop, I had to cross the street to get to the car. On the other side of the street, there was a bus stop where an elderly lady was waiting for her bus. As Sachin and I walked by her, she said something like "The bus is late today. It'll come, though."
She was not talking to herself. She was talking to us -- two complete strangers. Since both Sachin and I are from big cities where people just don't do that sort of thing, we were quite surprised. She was just trying to start a conversation. Neither Sachin nor I were used to talking to complete strangers on the street. We walked by, simply nodding our heads. Looking back, that seemed rude, but being from big cities, we just don't do that sort of thing -- no matter how friendly she might have seemed!
That incident in Branford reminded me again of the several "small towns" in this country. The whole atmosphere was one of friendship. It was the kind of place where people could greet each other on the streets without worrying about being robbed or shot at!
We decided this kind of a place was a good place to eat, so we took out some of the junk food brought from home and ate it on a park bench near that tall church.
I started driving. I got lost (yep, even in Branford!).
1:45 PM Ended up in New Haven (the wrong way -- New Haven is South of Branford). Got back on I-95 Northbound.
2:40 PM Arrived at Groton, CT: USS Nautilus Memorial =
. The Nautilus was this country's first nuclear powered submarine. It is now a museum. As a submarine, it was far better than the USS Clamagore I had been to in Charleston, SC. As a museum, it had a lot more to offer than the USS Clamagore's "Patriots Point" museum in Charleston. The Nautilus had a lot more "moving room" inside. I could actually walk in there without having to bend down!
4:00 PM Left USS Nautilus Memorial.
Sachin was my navigator. He said he wanted to go to a town named "Mystic". There is a famous seaport there. It was on the way to Boston, and we got there at 4:30 PM.
Mystic Seaport is now a museum -- it contains several historic (old) ships. We had assumed the museum would be free, like the USS Nautilus museum. When we got there, we walked up to the gate but did not go inside -- the admission price was too high. It was a nice place, though. We could see all the ships from outside the gate, and that was enough for us. Rating (meaningless because we did not go in):
We left Mystic at 5:40 PM.
5:55 PM Rhode Island; 142012 Miles.
Me: | Is this the first time you're coming to this state? |
Sachin: | Yep. |
Me: | Yeah, it's the first time for me too! |
7:00 PM Massachusetts; 142107 Miles.
7:45 PM Entered Boston city limits; 142103 Miles.
8:00 PM Arrived at Niranjan's apartment in Cambridge. I saw his trip pictures; he saw mine. He had taken a picture of the "Welcome to South Carolina" sign, and that photograph was identical to the one I had taken. I recognized that spot immediately -- it was on I-95 Northbound, coming from Georgia. Unfortunately, I did not have that particular picture with me -- I had mailed that roll back home.
Town: | Nyack, NY |
Town: | Rye, NY |
Town & Beach: | Short Beach, CT |
Road: | Four Mile River Road, CT |
Town: | Woonsocket, RI |
CARIOCA2 | NY | Acura Legend |
PELS | CT | Chevrolet Nova |
VARMAX1 | CT | Toyota |
I CELLI | CT | (Lincoln?) |
C-RIDER | CT | Ford Truck |
COOGS | CT | Ford Taurus |
MFOX | CT | Ford Contour |
CHEVVY | CT | Chevrolet |
MOENCA | CA | Toyota (That's right -- a CALIFORNIA plate!) |
FRANCA | RI | Transam |
SECC | CT | Ford |
BB-1 | RI | Truck |
PLAZA | RI | Cadillac |
$2 | Cash | Toll -- Tappan Zee Bridge | Tarrytown, NY |
$1 | Cash | Connecticut postcard | Branford, CT |