Table of Contents
About this Journal
January 15 - The Day Before
January 16 - Day 1 - Sleeping is good for you - except while driving
January 17 - Helicopter Ride - Bryce Canyon
January 18 - Grand Canyon; "The Coldest Night, Part I"
January 19 - New Mexico - A State of Extremes
January 20 - Carlsbad Caverns; "Drive Friendly, The Texas Way"
January 21 - On to Dallas!
January 22 - Dallas, A Driving Nightmare
January 23 - Corpus Christi, The Beautiful
January 24 - Aransas National Wildlife Refuge
January 25 - Houston Space Center
January 26 - Along Louisiana's Coast
January 27 - Natchez Trace in a Thunderstorm; Police #1
January 28 - New Orleans, here I come!
January 29 - New Orleans - "The Good Day"
January 30 - Pensacola Naval Air Station
January 31 - Along the Coast of "The Sunshine State"
February 1 - Disney World Ticket Center
February 2 - Everglades National Park; Florida Keys
February 3 - Key West; Fort Lauderdale; Police #2
February 4 - Arrival in Orlando; Medeival Times
February 5 - Universal Studios, Day 1
February 6 - Universal Studios, Day 2
February 7 - Sea World
February 8 - "All I want is one little headlight!!!"
February 9 - Disney/MGM Studios - "The Lion King" animation
February 10 - I get a new headlight
February 11 - Magic Kingdom - A day of continuous miracles
February 12 - EPCOT Center, Day 1 - A dozen or so pastries
February 13 - EPCOT Center, Day 2 - A few more pastries
February 14 - A Big Decision - and The Wrong Decision
February 15 - Mardi Gras: New Orleans - "The Bad Day"
February 16 - Headin' West to Texas
February 17 - Crossin' "The Lone Star State" -- that's Texas, pahdner
February 18 - Still Crossin' Texas...; Police #3: "A routine WHAT?"
February 19 - Texas is a REALLY big state - Still Crossin' Texas...
February 20 - White Sands; "The Coldest Night, Part II"
February 21 - 100,000 Miles; Petrified Forest
February 22 - "Snow in a Desert???"; Grand Canyon
February 23 - Back in California (temporarily)
February 24 - To "The Biggest Little City in the World" - Reno, NV
February 25 - Lake Tahoe
February 26 - Car Trouble on the Last Day; Police #4
February 27 - The New Last Day : Back home
A Final Comment

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